© Oroflam s.r.l. 2011 COOKIES PRIVACY This Internet website does not collect personal datas to contact our firm and there are  no newsletters at all. No registration is needed or requested to navigate this website  pages. PRIVACY POLICY In compliance with the European Regulation 679/2016, you can view and / or download  the document concerning the privacy policy by clicking here.  Objectives and use of cookies  In compliance with D.Lgs. 69/2012 & 70/2012, we inform you that our site installs  cookies for the sole purpose of make possible or improve the features offered and  navigation by the user. We don't use cookies for the collection, processing,  dissemination or recording of personal data.  What to do if you don't want cookies to be installed on your computer?  For some people, the idea that there is a place to store information on their computer  or other devices information represents an invasion of privacy, particularly if that  information is stored and used from third parties who do not know each other. If you  prefer, you can block some or all cookies or even delete the cookies that have already  been installed on your computer, however you should be aware that this way there is  the risk of losing some features. To do this, you need to change your privacy settings  of your browser. Some third-party operators have developed tools that allow you to  opt-out of collection and use of the data by their modules.  What is a cookie? Most Internet sites use cookies to improve user navigation. Cookies allow the site to  "remember" users for the duration of the visit (thanks to a "temporary cookie") or for  multiple visits (by means of a "permanent cookie"). Cookies can perform various  functions. They allow users to navigate between pages effectively, by retain  preferences and more generally improve navigation on an Internet site. Cookies make  faster and easier interaction between the user and the site. If a site doesn't use  cookies, it will think who you are a new visitor every time the latter moves to a new  page – for example if he asks to close a menu on a site and goes to another page, it  will not remember this choice and will present the next page with the open menu.  Furthermore, some sites use cookies to target their advertising or commercial  messages based on, for example, the user's location and/or browsing habits.  Cookies can come from the site visited ("first party cookies") or from other sites that  provide content to the page consulted ("third party cookies").  What's in a cookie?  A cookie is a simple text file stored on a computer or mobile device by the server of an  Internet site. This server will then be able to retrieve or read the content of the cookie.  Cookies are managed by the browser Internet. Each cookie is unique and contains  anonymous information such as a unique identifier, site name, numbers or letters. It  allows a site to remember the user's browsing preferences.  Types of cookies  First party cookies  "First party cookies" are provided by the website you are visiting and can only be read  by that site. Third party cookies  "Third party cookies" are created and used by an entity other than the owner of the site  you are visiting. For example, a website can use the services of an external company  to analyze its user base. Such company then defines its own cookie to perform this  service. More importantly, an Internet site may use a third-party advertising network to  deliver advertising targeted. Our site does not use any advertising services.  Temporary cookies  Temporary cookies are stored temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted  from user's terminal when the browser is closed.  Permanent cookies  This type of cookie is registered on the user's computer for a specific period (usually a  year or more) and not it is deleted once the browser is closed. Permanent cookies are  used when you want to know who you are the user for more than one browsing  session. Flash cookies  Many websites use Adobe Flash Player to transmit video or information in visual form  to own users. The Adobe company uses its own cookies, which cannot be managed  through the parameters of the user's browser. They are used by the Flash player for  the same purposes as other cookies, i.e. storing preferences or following up on users.  Flash cookies work differently than web browser cookies. Instead of having cookies  specific to uses particulars, a website is limited to storing all the data concerning it in a  single cookie. You can control how much data can be stored in the cookie, but you  cannot choose what type of information this cookie is authorized to store.  To disable the use of all or only some cookies it is necessary to change your  browser settings (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.). Browsers are  usually pre-set to accept cookies, unless they are configured differently by the  user. It is possible to make the browser block some or all cookies, or present a  message to the user before proceeding with the installation of one cookies.  OROFLAM s.r.l. unipersonale Via Olmetto 18/20 Z.A.I. 37049 Villa Bartolomea (VR) Italy P.IVA e C.F.: 03902000235 Cap. Soc.: € 50.000,00 Registro delle imprese di Verona REA VR-374855 Tel.: +39.0442.659096 Fax: +39.0442.659084 oroflam@oroflam.it